Friday, 28 October 2016

VII Fiesta de las lenguas. Video.

At the end of the second term,  2ºA-B and 4º DIVER groups went to  San Antolín de Ibias, Asturias,  to participate in the  VII Fiesta de las lenguas. Students got fully involved in the different activities which everybody prepared for this proyect, English and French plays, songs for the karaoke and a video to introduce our highschool, Cistierna and its surroundings.
On the 31st of May the video that we made turned out to be the winner. A selected group of parents, students and teachers in Ibias decided that our video was the best one of the competition among the participating highschools.
We are really happy and proud for this prize. Thank you, Ibias.

Here it is. Enjoy it!

Friday, 24 June 2016

Breaking news: UK votes to leave EU

The 23rd of June referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting. It was the highest turnout in a UK-wide vote since the 1992 general election.

Results in full

Results in maps

Brexit: what happens next?

European Commission President, Jean Claude Junker et al:' We hope to have the UK as a close partner od the EU in the future'

François Hollande:'The British vote is a tough test for Europe'

1616-2016, Shakespeare lives

Teachers and students remembered Shakespeare 400 anniversary through a complete exhibition. All the students participated in the creation of the exhibition through pictures, plays, famous quotes etc. by him.
Learn a lot of things about Shakespeare in only three minutes.

Friday, 22 April 2016

The British Queen's 90th birthday

The Queen celebrates two birthdays each year: her actual birthday on 21 April and her official birthday on (usually) the second Saturday in June.
In the picture four generations of the Royal Family.
Have a look to the twitter of the British Monarchy.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Easter Rising, a key event in Irish history.

In 1916, Irish got ready for the rising,  The Easter rising was a small group of volunteers who occupied buildings across Dublin to rebel against the British rule. 
One hundred years later, Ireland is free, modern, and different.

What happened on Easter Rising in 1916? How did the Rising come about?

Celebrating the Green

Every year on 17th March, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Bob the snail by Abel Pina 1º A Bachillerato

picture by japix

Since Bob was a young snail he has had a dream, leraning to read books, but his father didn't like it because he said that the books were  other human's invention  and he hated humans becasue he thought that  they only lived to kill snails and other animals. But Bob didn't think alike and any time he could he scaped to listen to humans and tried to learn to read books.

One day, his father discovered a human child who got him. When Bob saw it, he tried to rescue him but it was too late, the child had caught his father and Bob didn't see his father ever again. That was an important lesson for him, if you were born a snail, you die snail.

Years later, when Bob was walking through the garden, he found a piece of paper with some words on it.He remembered his father's advise but he couldn't resist to try reading it and he discovered that , after  all the years observing  the humans finally he had learnt to read.  He came back happily with the rest of the snails because he had realised the date, it was the 13th of June of 2013.

Since that moment, Bob undesrtood that the books make everybody more intelligent and he decided to abandon the snail colony to find more books.

His journey wasn't easy, but after two days, he arrived to the librarian's house where there were a  lot of books but he faced one problem, the human librarian discvoered Bob on his favourite book, then Bob thought that hewas going to die but the librarian didn't kill him becuase he had observed that the little snail was reading the book and when the libarian saw his shime track, he read 'don't kill me please'. At that moment Bob realised that not all the humans are bad people and he ramined with the libarian for many years.

One day, Bob discovered  little blue balls in a box and when he knew what the blue balls were used for, he only thought of one thing, to advise the sail colony. He ran and ran and he told every snail the things he had learned. The snails asked him how he kenw so many things and Bob reply them that it was thanks to humans and the books, but his mates thoguht he had gone crazy, so Bob decided to demonstrate the importance of books by eating one of the little blue balls.

by Abel Pina Canal 1ºA Bachillerato

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Saint Valentine's Day

Some love quotes

Friendship is Love without his wings! 
Lord Byron

Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction. 
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love can consign us to hell or to paradise, but it always takes us somewhere. 
Paulo Coelho

Intense love does not measure, it just gives. 
Mother Teresa

True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.

François de la Rochefoucauld

Vocabulary you may need ...

A Valentine= 1. A decorative card which you send to someone you love. When you are popular you get a lot of valentines 2. A person, someone you love or would like to have a romantic relationship with. Fall in love= begin to love another person.  Love at first sight= The instant and extreme romantic attraction for a stranger the first time you see her/him. Flirt = (verb) you are playful with someone because you’re attracted to her/him and you want to show that you like her/him. Date= a romantic meetingtwo people going out.  Romance= a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Cupid= the god of love. Bow and arrow= Cupid's weapon, Secret admirer= A person who is too embarrassed or shy to tell you that he or she likes you and prefers to remain anonymous.  Have butterflies in your stomach, a Candlelit dinner... and so on.

Romantic films


Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Happy Groundhog Day!!!


                    (1886-2016) This year is the 130th anniversary of this particular festivity. 

That's our game for Groundhog Day.
Read the sentences and  number them in chronological order. then you'll find the story.
  • If the Groundhog does not see his shadow and stays outside, warm weather is coming.
  • People gather to watch the Groundhog on February second.
  • Then he looks for his shadow.
  • The Groundhog comes out of his hole.
  • But if he sees his shadow, the Groundhog will run back into his hole.
  • This means we will have six more weeks of cold weather.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Bye-bye 2015, Welcome 2016

   Play this song, I'm sure you've heard it a lot of times.

More about the song and the lyrics.

      The song Auld Lang Syne is practically synonymous with new year's celebrations, and it is probably the world's best-known song after Happy Birthday. This song, whose Scottish title roughly means "long, long time ago", became popular in the 18th century by the Scottish poet Robert Burns, and his friend George Thompson who wrote the music.There are currently versions of Auld Lang Syne in all continents.

      Over the years, due to his Scottish title and perhaps because people only sing its first verse, the message of nostalgia for the passing of time and hope to meet in the future have become something that is not even clear to many English speakers. Besides being used in new year's celebrations,people sing it in many parts of the world as a common song in farewell parties.